Pastor Boonchu grew up in the mountains near the Thai/Myanmar border. He attended a Christian school growing up, where he learned a lot about the Bible and what it teaches. But much of his youth was lived in rebellion to what he learned there.
A number of years later, while fighting as a soldier in Myanmar, his unit was cut off and surrounded. He believed he was going to die. As he passed out, he prayed that if God would save him, he would believe in him and commit his life to serving him.
Pastor Boonchu woke up to see the members of his own unit there to wake him up and get him back to safety.
This was only the beginning of a life long commitment to trust and follow Jesus Christ.
Pastor Boonchu has had the opportunity to study the Bible at a Karen Bible school in Myanmar and at Bangkok Bible Seminary.
During these studies he met a Scottish pastor who invited him to come to Scotland and study English.
During his time in Scotland, other people saw his potential to serve the church and invited him to come and study theology at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia.
During his studies at Westminster, Pastor Boonchu's abilities to disciple other international students drew the attention of members of Church of the Saviour and Tenth Presbyterian Church. These relationships became be beginning of the Karen Advisory Partnership.
Many have described Pastor Boonchu as being a modern-day Paul. He travels from village to village teaching, preaching, encouraging church leaders, and offering training for those in ministry.
Pastor Boonchu also disciples a group of young evangelists who bring the gospel to unreached Karen villages. He also hopes these men will be able to pick up his ministry as he gets older.
Pastor Boonchu works in an area of Thailand that stretches from west of Bangkok to the border of Laos, all along the border of Myanmar.
Pastor Boonchu is married to his lovely wife, SeePawn. She is a great encouragement and blessing to him. She often hosts ministry partners who come to help Pastor Boonchu with his ministry. She has a wonderful gift for administration and hospitality.
Pastor Boonchu and SeePawn have two children: as son named Spy and a daughter named Melona.
Pastor Boonchu's family often travels with him as he does his ministry. But as the children get older, the family is considering settling north of Chiang Mai so they can be closer to ministry opportunities and schooling for the children.
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